10 Ruthlessly Effective Copywriting Angles to Get as Many Leads as You Can Possibly Handle!

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Last week I went to pick up my son from school, and I found something worrying in the lunchbox.  He hadn’t touched his sandwich at all. I asked him why, and he shrugged, saying, “I don’t like it!” But maybe it was not about a sandwich, it has to do with a smart move. So, I made him a deal: “Well if you finish your lunch, I will buy you that new football that you have been wanting!” Oh, Just like that, his eyes lit up, and he was ready to eat. This little moment shows human psychology and persuasion. In marketing this is referred to as copywriting angles. As a business owner, you also have to search for angles to attract the attention of people. Let me show you ten brilliantly simplified copywriting angles which will help you get maximum eyeballs.

10 Copywriting Angles To Grab Attention

Listed below are ten of the most commonly used copywriting angles by copywriting experts to gain attention!

1. Make It Scarce

 Shouldn’t you notice, that something becomes more attracting once it becomes unavailable? That is the beauty of dryness and it works so well because of its scarcity.

This is so because when we feel that a certain product is scarce or will not be available for use in the near future, we act fast. All of a sudden, the fear of the ‘left out experience’ sets in. This is why bonus offers, ticking clocks, and other similar words such as “in stock only a few are left” work so well in copywriting.

 Suppose one is browsing through the internet doing some shopping and come across something that he or she likes. But there is a catch: The site tells you that the item, “Only 3 left in stock!” or “Sale ends in 24 hours!” That piece of information makes a lot of difference.

Due to FOMO <FEAR OF MISSING OUT>, you are way more likely to become the kind of customer who will click that ‘Buy Now’ button because you do not want to miss a good deal.

In your copywriting, using scarcity does not have to be much more complex than pointing out how long the offer is good for or how many openings are available for the service.

By doing so, you make your audience move faster since they seem to have limited time in which they can make their decisions. It is just to give them the impression that if they are not willing to take action now then they will be the loser.

2. Show the Pain

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Sometimes, the most powerful way to persuade someone is to remind them of the pain they’re trying to avoid.

In copywriting, showing the pain means vividly describing the problem or discomfort that your audience is facing. When they see their struggles laid out in front of them, it resonates deeply, making them more open to the solution you’re offering.

For example, imagine you a’re selling a product that helps with back pain.

Start by painting a picture of the daily discomfort: “Do you wake up each morning with a sharp pain in your lower back, struggling just to get out of bed?

Does sitting at your desk feel like a battle against your own body?”

By highlighting the pain, you’re not just describing a problem—they are feeling it all over again, and they’re eager for relief. Your product then becomes the answer to their problem, something they need to ease that pain. This angle taps into their emotions, making them more likely to act and purchase.

Tip: Use keywords like “relieve pain,” “solve your problem,” and “stop suffering” to optimize for this angle.

3. Use Happy Stories

Oh I love this part!!

People love happy endings, and using them in your copy is a great way to create positive emotions.

You can share a success story that your product or service has brought about helps potential customers visualize their own success. It’s about creating a vision of the future they want to be a part of.

For instance, SUPPOSE you are selling a fitness program

Share a story of a client who transformed their life: Nida was always tired and out of breath, struggling to keep up with her kids. But after just three months on our program, she’s full of energy, running around with her children, and feeling better than ever.

These stories act as proof that your solution works. They don’t just tell—they show.

When people read these positive outcomes, they imagine themselves achieving the same success, making them more inclined to buy.

Tip: Optimize using keywords like “success stories,” “happy customers,” and “real results.”

3. Create Urgency

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You have got 5 minutes to clean up your toys before we go out for ice cream!

That’s what I ask my kids when they are making loads of mess while playing indoors.

(Peek a Boo, Sofa Cushions, and all that pillow fight stuff, you know…)

But upon saying this, all of the sudden, they are racing against the clock. This is the way, urgency in copywriting makes people act fast. Imagine telling your audience, “This weekend only, grab your dream vacation at 50% off! (You will observe this copywriting angle more on e commerce stores)

Offer ends Sunday night.” Just like your child doesn’t want to miss out on that ice cream, your audience won’t want to miss out on your limited-time offer.

Example: “Hurry, only 3 spots left in our online course—don’t miss out on transforming your career!”

4. Give Great Value

Giving great value is like packing a lunchbox with your kid’s favorite sandwich, a treat, and a note saying, “You’re awesome!”

You are showing them they’re getting something special. When you communicate value in your copy, you’re doing the same for your audience. This is one of the most used copywriting angles used by coaches, as per my observation.

For instance, “For just $29.99, get access to our entire library of courses—way less than a single in-person class!” It’s like giving them more than they expected, just like that surprise treat in the lunchbox.

5. Show the Change

Showing the change your product or service can bring is like when your child comes home after a long day at school, exhausted and grumpy, but then you see them light up after a good nap or their favorite meal.

“Imagine waking up every day full of energy, instead of feeling drained.” Just like you know what a difference rest can make for your kid, showing your audience the positive change your offer can bring helps them see its true value.

Example: “Picture yourself finally fitting into those pre-pregnancy jeans and feeling confident again….. Our program makes it possible!

Disclaimer: While using such sort of copywriting angles, you have to be very careful with your choice of words.

6. Be the Expert

Being the expert is like when your child looks up to you for answers, whether it’s how to solve a math problem or how to fix their broken toy.

They trust you because you’ve got the experience.

In copywriting, positioning yourself as the expert builds the same kind of trust. “With over 20 years of helping families like yours find the perfect home, we know what it takes to make your move stress-free.” Just like your child trusts your advice, your audience will trust your expertise.

Here is an example…. “With a decade of experience in child nutrition, I’ve helped thousands of parents ensure their kids eat healthy—let me help you too.”

7. Add a Bonus

Adding a bonus is like surprising your child with an extra scoop of ice cream or an extra story at bedtime. It makes them feel special and excited.

In copywriting, offering a bonus can have the same effect. “Join today, and as a thank you, we’ll send you a free guide on getting the most out of your new planner!” It’s that little extra that makes your offer even more tempting.

Check this example: Sign up now, and get a bonus video tutorial – how to organize your family’s schedule like a pro!

8. Make Them Curious

Making them curious is like when you tell your child, “I’ve got a surprise for you after dinner,” and they can’t wait to find out what it is.

In copywriting, piquing curiosity keeps your audience engaged and wanting more.

“Discover the one secret ingredient missing from your skincare routine—click to learn more.” Just like your child can’t resist peeking at their surprise, your audience won’t be able to resist learning more.

9. Make Them Curious

Want to know how to get your child to eat their veggies without a fuss?

Curiosity is a powerful motivator. Just like how your little one might peek into a wrapped gift, wondering what’s inside, your audience will want to “find out” or “discover” what you have to offer.

When you ask questions or hint at something exciting, they can’t help but keep reading to satisfy their curiosity.

Example: “Ever wondered why some moms have more time for themselves? Discover the secret they’re using to stay ahead.”

This angle taps into the natural human desire to know more, making it hard for your audience to resist clicking or reading further.

10. Bandwagon

Everyone is doing it, so why not you?

Got it??

The Bandwagon effect works because people tend to follow the crowd. If you tell your audience that others are already on board with what you are offering, they’ll want to join in too. It’s like when your child insists on getting the same toy all their friends have no one wants to feel left out!

Example: “Join thousands of moms who are already using this time-saving trick to make their lives easier.

Key Takeaways

Here’s I have listed the crux of most common copywriting angles we discussed in details about:

  • Show a problem your reader wants to fix.
  • Share happy stories to make people feel good.
  • Make people act quickly by setting deadlines.
  • Offer something valuable they can’t ignore.
  • Let them see how your product will make things better.
  • Show you know what you’re talking about.
  • Give something extra to sweeten the deal.
  • Ask questions to keep them interested.
  • Tell them others are already using it.

What’s your favorite copywriting angle so far? Let me know in the comments!

Need help writing powerful copy? Reach out to ContentAligent for expert copywriting services that get results. Let’s make your message SHINE OUT LOUD!

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